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Alive! animation course in Blender
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Chapter 01 - Introduction ⭐
Course update (1:22)
01-01 Course introduction (2:43)
01-02 Course content (5:22)
01-03 Advised resources (3:00)
01-04 Useful Ressources
Course files and documentation
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Chapter 02 - Animation tools in Blender ⭐
02_00 Intro 🔥 (1:42)
02_01 Object transformation 🔥 (4:56)
02_02 Object transform channel 🔥 (4:08)
02_03 First keyframe 🔥 (8:42)
02_04 More about the timeline 🔥 (14:58)
02_05 Understanding interpolations 🔥 (5:46)
02_06 Blocking the bouncing ball (8:00)
02_07 Animation curves 🔥 (9:20)
02_08 The graph editor 🔥 (5:43)
02_08_02 The graph editor part 2 🔥 (9:35)
02_08_03 The graph editor part 3 🔥 (11:21)
02_09 Polishing the bouncing ball (9:33)
02_10 Moving forward - Extrapolations 🔥 (9:38)
02_11 Curve modifiers 🔥 (9:12)
02_12 Dope sheet & Action editor 🔥 (10:18)
02_13 The NLA editor 🔥 (6:19)
02_13_02 The NLA editor Strips 🔥 (6:59)
02_13_03 The NLA editor Blending 🔥 (8:23)
02_13_04 The NLA editor Time Warping 🔥 (3:15)
02_13_05 The NLA editor - Advanced Blending and workflow 🔥 (9:40)
02_14 Animation Baking 🔥 (9:54)
02_15 Linking & Appending characters 🔥 (11:50)
02_16 Animating with an armature & Keying set 🔥 (9:22)
Chapter 03 - First character animation ⭐
03-01-Chapter introduction (1:47)
03-02-Local and World space 🔥 (8:06)
03-03-Animating with an armature 🔥 (Updated video) (18:24)
03-04-Advanced bouncing ball (15:20)
03-05-Polishing the bouncing ball (18:57)
03-06-01-More bouncing ball (3:05)
03-06-02 More bouncing ball (timelapse) ⏱ (28:07)
03-07 Overlapping, Follow through and overshoot 🔥 (6:29)
03-08 Squirrel rig presentation (5:19)
03-09-Squirrel-Blocking The run Cycle (2 videos) (12:16)
03-10-breakdowns (18:05)
03-11-Arcs 🔥 (2:25)
03-12-01-Polishing the run Cycle (9:06)
03-12-02-Polishing the run Cycle - chest and hips (16:37)
03-12-03-Polishing the run Cycle - Legs (20:47)
03-12-04-Polishing the run Cycle - tail (6:55)
03-12-05-Polishing the run Cycle - ears and eyes (2:33)
03-13-Squirrel idle - Blocking (14:59)
03-14-Anticipation 🔥 (3:28)
03-15-01-Squirrel detail Blocking (13:51)
03-15-02-Squirrel detail Blocking (timelapse) ⏱ (18:35)
03-16-01-Polishing idle (28:49)
03-16-02-Polishing idle part2 (6:56)
03-16-03-Polishing idle part2 (timelapse) ⏱ (19:57)
03-16-04-Polishing idle part 3 (9:33)
03-16-05-Polishing idle part 3 (timelapse) ⏱ (29:02)
03-16-06-Polishing idle part 4 (9:29)
03-16-07-Polishing idle part 4 (timelapse) ⏱ (34:45)
03-16-08-Polishing idle part 5 (9:41)
03-16-09-Polishing idle part 5 (timelapse) ⏱ (15:03)
03-17 Squirrel climbing analysis (4:46)
03-18-Squirrel climb blocking (8:26)
03-19-Climb inbetween (10:44)
03-20-Climb Timing (5:07)
03-21-01 Climb cycle - body polish (14:14)
03-21-02 Climb cycle - body polish (timelapse) ⏱ (18:35)
03-21-03 Climb cycle - Feet polish (7:16)
03-21-04 Climb cycle - Feet polish (timelapse) ⏱ (21:45)
03-21-05 Climb cycle - re-timing (3:01)
03-21-06 Climb cycle - re-timing (timelapse) ⏱ (8:03)
03-21-07 Climb cycle - Tail and details (8:06)
03-21-08 Climb cycle - Tail and details (timelapse) ⏱ (9:04)
03-22 The NLA editor 🔥 (6 videos) (56:43)
03-23 Preproduction and staging (10:18)
03-24-The camera 🔥 (2 videos) (15:58)
03-25-Appending and linking 🔥 (19:21)
03-26 First scene (24:11)
03-27-Editing the sequences (12:09)
03-28-Animated curve path (12:58)
Chapter 04 - Layered animation and Space switching ⭐⭐
04-01-Introduction (1:49)
04-02-Robot rig presentation (6:30)
04-03-base motion (5:17)
04-04-01 Leg motion (8:26)
04-04-02 Foot Roll (3:50)
04-04-03 Toes (9:02)
04-04-04 Toes (timelapse) ⏱ (6:56)
04-05 Side and hips motion (4:29)
04-05-01 Side and hips motion (timelapse)⏱ (7:47)
04-06-Constraints 🔥 (7:36)
04-07-Space switching fundamentals 🔥 (2 videos) (30:05)
04-08-01-Mech space switching - Body (17:10)
04-08-02-Mech space switching - secoundary (16:59)
04-09 Rocket Shot (10:11)
04-10 Artillery shot (13:37)
04-10-01 Artillery shot-(Timelapse) ⏱ (23:52)
04-11-Wiggle-bones (10:07)
Chapter 05 - Human locomotion Run ⭐⭐
05-01-Introduction (0:55)
05-02-Rig presentation (12:17)
05-03-Rotations 🔥 (16:11)
05-04-Reference analysis (11:49)
05-05-Run-Cycle-Blocking (12:11)
05-06-Run-Cycle-Blocking-02 (11:17)
05-07-Polishing the feet (17:06)
05-08-Polishing the Torso (9:49)
05-09-Polishing the torso 02 (7:42)
05-10-Polishing the arms (7:53)
05-11-Polishing forearms and Hands (6:11)
05-12-Changing attitude with curve offset (2:11)
Chapter 06 - Human locomotion Walk ⭐⭐
06-01 Introduction (0:51)
06-02-Reference analysis (4:13)
06-03-Walk Blocking 01 (7:35)
06-04-Walk Blocking 02 (14:28)
06-05-Polishing the feet (15:24)
06-06-Walk Polish Torso (8:22)
06-07 Walk polishing torso 02 (13:19)
06-08-Walk Polishing the Arms (7:32)
06-09-Walk Polishing the Arms 02 (12:42)
Chapter 07 - Mastering posing ⭐⭐
07-01 Chapter introduction (0:51)
07-02 Line of action and exaggeration 🔥 (8:16)
07-03-Rules of good posing 🔥 (10:15)
07-04-First pose (16:43)
07-04-01 Exercise 5 action poses
07-05-Pushing the pose (6:05)
07-06-Motion pose (18:23)
07-07-Smears (8:42)
07-08-Hand posing (6:46)
07-09 Fighting weight (13:56)
07-10-More poses (6:29)
07-11-Katana pose (timelapse) ⏱ (12:55)
07-12-Flying Knee pose (timelapse) ⏱ (10:13)
Chapter 08 - Combo animation⭐⭐⭐
08-01 Intro (1:12)
08-02 References 🔥 (6:48)
08-03 File setup (6:24)
08-04 Blocking (7:11)
08-04-01 Blocking part 02 (8:21)
08-04-02 Blocking part 03 (9:30)
08-04-03 Blocking (timelapse) (25:51)
08-05-01 Blocking breakdowns part01 (7:06)
08-05-02 Blocking breakdowns part02 (7:22)
08-05-03 Blocking breakdowns part03 (7:53)
08-05-04 Timing pass (3:07)
08-05-05 Blocking full process (timelapse) (27:29)
08-06 Breakdowner tool 🔥 (5:41)
08-07-01 Detailed blocking part 01 (7:50)
08-07-02 Detailed blocking part 02 (8:13)
08-07-03 Detailed blocking part 03 (7:50)
08-07-04 Detailed blocking part 04 (7:56)
08-07-05 Timing pass (3:20)
08-07-06 full process (timelapse) ⏱ (47:47)
08-08 Camera (13:48)
08-09-01 Polishing part 01 (11:07)
08-09-02 Polishing part 02 (13:27)
08-09-03 Polishing part 03 (12:19)
08-09-04 first chunk (timelapse) ⏱ (27:24)
08-09-05 Fixing knee pop (1:48)
08-10-01 Polishing hook part 01 (7:19)
08-10-02 Polishing hook part 02 (5:44)
08-10-03 Polishing hook part 03 (10:40)
08-10-04 Polishing hook part 04 (14:58)
08-10-05 Polishing hook (timelapse) ⏱ (38:18)
08-11-01 Polishing kick part 01 (7:03)
08-11-02 Polishing kick part 02 (12:21)
08-11-03 Polishing kick part 03 (10:01)
08-11-04 Polishing kick part 04 (9:25)
08-12-01-Polishing the bag (8:02)
08-12-02 Bag Final details (6:28)
08-12-03 Bag polishing (timelapse) ⏱ (17:41)
08-13Using shapekeys for stylised animation (11:27)
Chapter 9 - Character "Intro animation" ⭐⭐⭐⭐
09-00 Intro (1:45)
09-01-01 Planning (7:09)
⏱ 09-01-02 Planning (timelapse) (10:54)
09-02 Importing and scene setup (5:28)
09-03-01 Blocking part01 (4:52)
09-03-02 Blocking part02 (6:45)
09-03-03 blocking part03 (6:33)
09-03-04 Blocking part04 (5:27)
09-03-05 Blocking part05 (6:52)
09-04 Temporary constraint 🔥 (7:57)
09-05 Camera Work 🔥 (14:20)
09-06 Trident catch blocking revision (4:05)
09-07 Sword trick blocking (10:22)
09-08 Forward Dash (5:58)
09-09 Final Move (5:56)
09-10_IK_or_FK 🔥 (11:04)
09-11-01 Details Blocking - Jump (3:38)
09-11-02 Details blocking - initial pose (6:28)
09-11-03 Details Blocking - Catching blades (5:13)
09-11-04 Details Blocking - Trident throw (5:37)
09-11-05 Details Blocking - Charge (9:52)
09-11-06 Details Blocking - Sword trick (5:09)
09-11-07 Details Blocking - final blow (5:31)
09-12 Environment and Composition 🔥 (10:14)
09-13-Timing and Spacing (10:32)
09-14 Switching to spline 🔥 (15:52)
09-15-01-Polishing (8:30)
09-15-02 Polishing (11:20)
09-15-03 Polishing (9:53)
09-16 Polishing with constraints and Space switching 🔥 (8:12)
09-17-Fixing Quaternions flipping 🔥 (2:42)
09-18 FXs planning and preview with Syncsketch 🔥 (5:24)
09-19 Final thoughts (1:39)
09-20 Bonus : full timelapses ⏱
03-07 Overlapping, Follow through and overshoot 🔥
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